Thursday, October 15, 2009

Dear Abhi

When Carrie and I have a question about travel, culture, finding things in Hyderabad, or life in general, we turn to our coworker, Abhirami. Below, I have paraphrased some interactions:

Dear Abhi, I just got to India. What should I do? -Jetlagged in Jaipur

Dear Jetlagged, Don't worry, I have already set up your desk, and ordered a mobile phone for you. Please join us for the lunch I arranged in honor of your arrival at one of my favorite South Indian restaurants. I will be checking in regularly to make sure you are comfortable. -Abhi

Dear Abhi, my batteries are not charging, where can I get replacements?- Depleted in Delhi

Dear Depleted, Let me talk to your driver, and I will direct him to the newest mall in Hyderabad, where you can get batteries and anything else in the world.

Dear Abhi, When I travel, people want their picture with me. Is this because I look like famous Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan as I was told by an autorickshaw driver?- Klueless in Kerala

Dear Klueless, Actually it's spelled clueless. I would know because I am fluent in 5 languages. You actually don't look like Shah Rukh Khan. Rather you look like a less famous and less attractive Indian actor, whose picture I will send you.

Sear Abhi, Like many travelers to India, I can't quite figure out the head bobble. What's that all about? -Confounded in Kolkata

Dear Confounded, Your spelling has improved! Nodding means yes. Shaking one's head means no. Bobbling can mean anything else. When you ask for something, and someone bobbles, that probably means 'I'll take care of it.' If you are talking to someone, it could mean 'maybe' or 'I'm listening.' There are a thousand different meanings depending on frequency, pattern, and amplitude of the bobble, so I wouldn't worry about it too much.

Dear Abhi, What is the meaning of life? -Pondering in Pondicherry

Dear Pondering, [Bobbles head]

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